By chance our paths crossed
Your gentle heart reaching
out to embrace mine
Golden eyes, reflecting
innocence and speaking truths
“Looking for a friend, someone
to love me”
Vulnerability revealed in
every word
His words opening internal
dark rooms and inviting light
Tentatively I stretch my hand
out to his and allow my heart
to breathe in his calm and peace
But I feel his loneliness, I feel
his yearning
And it calls to that inner me
who desires that same loving feeling
To be loved. To be adored.
To be treasured and desired.
So I grasp his plea, turn into
the wanting and take a leap
of faith
I hold onto him for life and
he the lifesaver
Hopeful, inspired, open to
all the possibilities
And as I turn into his beautiful
face and breathe in his scent,
he calls to the dormant
corners of my flesh, my stark
carnal desires
For skin to skin, lips to lips,
tongue to tongue
Intwined and bound
For the mingling of arms
and thighs embracing and
clinging desperately
Inviting him to see, to touch,
to taste the beauty of my body
As I exhale in quiet relief as
loneliness leaves me